Sibling Leadership Network
The purpose of the Sibling Leadership Network is to promote a broad network of siblings who share the experience of disability and people concerned with sibling issues by connecting them to social, emotional, governmental, and provisional supports across the lifespan enabling them to be effective advocates with their brother and sister, and to serve as change agents for themselves and their families.
Visit the Sibling Leadership Network website.
The Arc of Western Wayne County
The Arc of Western Wayne County believes it is important to recognize the role of siblings in efforts to support individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Adult siblings of people with disabilities continue to be an extraordinarily overlooked population. The Arc believes agencies, including schools, community agencies and health care providers, should reach out to siblings and other family members to provide them with the support and information that will address their concerns and help them to make appropriate decisions.
Visit the Arc of Western Wayne County website.
Michigan Developmental Disabilities Institute
The Michigan Developmental Disabilities Institute (MI-DDI) is a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). MI-DDI is part of a network of 67 UCEDDs in the U.S. and its territories. The Institute's mission is to contribute to the development of inclusive communities and quality of life for people with disabilities and their families through a culturally-sensitive, statewide program of interdisciplinary education, community support and services, and research and dissemination of information.
Our Mission
Michigan Supporting and Including Brothers and Sisters (MI SIBS) exists toprovide adult siblings of individuals with disabilities with the information, resources and support to advocate with and/or for their brothers and sisters to promote leadership roles of siblings within the disability community.