The Family Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (Family Center) is excited to host a Virtual Introduction to Sibshops and Sibshop Facilitator Training from Tuesday, May 17, 2022, through Friday, May 20, 2022. Register Today
Emily Holl, Director of the Sibling Support Project will lead the training!
What are Sibshops?
Sibshops are celebrations of the many contributions made by siblings of kids with special needs. Sibshops acknowledge that being the sibling of a person with special needs is for some a good thing, others a not-so-good thing, and for many, somewhere in between. They reflect a belief that siblings have much to offer one another – if they are given a chance. Sibshops are a spirited mix of new games, new friends and discussion activities.
Who Should Attend?
Facilitator Training – Anyone interested in sibling issues, who would like to learn how to run a Sibshop of their own. Attendees interested in becoming a facilitator must attend all 4 days of the Sibshop training (Tuesday, May 17th through Friday, May 20th).
Introduction to Sibshops – Parents, caregivers, service providers, educators, community partners, Local Health Department staff, etc. Attendees who would like to know more about Sibshops and sibling issues, but not interested in how to run a Sibshop would attend this training, the first 3 days (Tuesday, May 17th through Thursday, May 19th).
Unique Concerns - Day 1: Participants will learn about many characteristics of brothers and sisters of people with special needs, including their unique concerns and opportunities.
This will help participants obtain a well-rounded understanding of what it's like being a sibling of someone with special needs across the lifespan.
Unique Opportunities - Day 2: This session presents the many opportunities siblings experience. There will be a discussion of what parents and professionals can do to minimize sibs' concerns and maximize opportunities.
Panel of Adult Siblings - Day 3: A powerful way to learn about sibling issues is to hear from the "real experts". A panel of adult brothers and sisters will share their experiences, insights, and suggestions for parents and providers.
All About Sibshops - Day 4: Sibshops are kid-friendly workshops as rewarding to run as they are to attend. Participants will learn the logistics of planning and implementing a local Sibshop, and Sibshop goals and related recreational, discussion, and educational activities. Trainees will observe online Demonstration Sibshop activities with young brothers and sisters, and receive the materials and know-how to start, plan, and facilitate Sibshops.
For additional details and registration, please click the link below or contact the Family Center at 800-359-3722.